Friend & Family

Those with ADHD often struggle with social challenges. The prevailing symptoms of ADHD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and disorganization. Symptoms may vary from person to person, but the negative social implications are often the same. People regularly mistake symptoms of ADHD for narcissism, rudeness, disobedience, or disregard.

Follow these 3 rules and be a PAL:

  • Practice timeliness:  Make it a point to plan to be at an event 15 minutes in advance and use the extra time in the parking lot to complete unfinished tasks.
  • Ask before you share:  In social settings always begin interactions with a kind and engaging question before you share anything about yourself.
  • Look before you leap: Make it a point to look for social cues: yawns, checking a watch, a trip to the restroom. Then shift the conversation to someone else or gracefully exit.


Navigating the traditional school environment with ADHD can be awful.  Having the right support in place as soon as possible is essential to ensure academic success.  ADHD evaluation and identification can be completed by a primary care physician or educational psychologists.  Before medication is prescribed, it is often recommended that patients try natural options.

The DREAM approach is best natural option available:

  • Diet: Eat well, food is fuel
  • Rest: Offer your mind rest, try to sleep 6-8 hours a day
  • Exercise: Move, feel, stretch, enjoy
  • Activity Outdoors: The earth is beautiful
  • Mindfulness: Focus on your body at the moment and practice gratitude

4 Myths We’re Clearing Up About ADHD

The internet is absolutely packed full of myths and misconceptions when it comes to different forms of Neurodiversity, and ADHD is no exception. When a lot of people hear the word ADHD also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, they immediately think of a...
The Benefits of ADHD and Everyday Life Hacks

The Benefits of ADHD and Everyday Life Hacks

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder. Adults and children diagnosed with ADHD may have difficulty focusing, get hyperactive, and experience uncontrollable impulses. But these traits don't have to be seen as problems, in fact, they...