Theara Academy is your roadmap!

All Theara Academy courses are ESA/ClassWallet Approved!


Know the Way at School – Your Roadmap is Ready!

Just $98!

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or educator, this training provides a clear and simple guide to support any Neurodivergent student on their academic journey from Kindergarten through high school graduation. In this course, you’ll learn how to navigate the school system – IEPs & 504s, work with parents and educators, and accommodate Neurodivergent learning.

Know Your ABCs at School – Start Your Journey Now!

Only $25!

Understanding the foundations of Neurodiversity is crucial to providing your ND child/student with the best education. This is your starting point for the Know the Way at School journey, providing you with the overview needed to best support your child through their academic experience.

Get Certified With Theara - Only $175!

This course is for a variety of people who work with or care for Neurodiverse students of all ages – educators, charter schools, private schools, detention centers, teen rehabilitation programs, tutors, and educational leaders. This course verifies your advanced knowledge with industry standards, while also ensuring your marketability and helping you better serve your students and clientele.