We are living in a results-driven society with a “Show Me What You Got” mentality. Your success is dependent on your productivity. Productivity requires the use of executive functioning skills: flexible thinking, impulse control, prioritizing, etc. Neurodiverse individuals experience a different sensory reality and, as a result, struggle with executive functioning skills and self-efficacy. Efficacy is your ability to achieve the desired outcome. Neurodivergents are uniquely gifted, and their perspectives are highly beneficial to our society. How do we assist them in becoming more productive and effective? As a Neurodivergent, with ADHD I have found great success with mnemonic devices. These devices help me to embed important concepts into memory and build effective habits. My favorite mnemonic device is the acronym. I have developed two acronyms that help me utilize executive functioning skills: F.O.R.C.E and P.O.W.E.R. These acronyms help me U.S.E. my energy (F.O.R.C.E and P.O.W.E.R.) to establish efficacy.

Utilizing your FORCE and POWER requires an understanding of the difference between these types of energy. Force is mass plus acceleration. We all exercise our force in physical, intellectual, and emotional ways. Power is a supply of energy. With the right tools, we all can control the distribution of our power. When we direct our force positively and distribute our power effectively, we practice efficacy. P.O.W.E.R.ful people Prioritize, Organize, and Work – Efficiently and Responsibly. Successful people effectively direct their F.O.R.C.E.: Fortitude, Optimism, Regulation, Control, and Energy. When individuals skillfully utilize their F.O.R.C.E. and P.O.W.E.R. they thrive.

Serving yourself physically, emotionally, and intellectually is an essential aspect of self-care. Burt Gershater, an incredible therapist, author, life coach, and friend, once approached me with a powerful question, “Does that thought serve you?” This simple question changed the way I approach my everyday. I find myself regularly asking myself, “Does this thought serve me?” if it doesn’t, I shift my thinking. It is essential to clarify that I do not run from struggle or challenge. I am just learning to engage with my thoughts in a way that better serves me. Take a minute to contemplate how focusing on these two simple acronyms F.O.R.C.E. and P.O.W.E.R. might serve you physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

Fortitude, Optimism, Regulation, Control, Energy

Prioritize, Organize, Work, Effectiveness, Responsibility

Employing these ten tools and strategies has positively impacted outcomes in all areas of my life. I am a better mother, partner, educator, coach, and friend because I practice self-regulation, prioritization, organization, responsibility, and optimism. I am more effective in these areas because I direct and optimize my fortitude, impulse control, work, energy, and emotional control. All of these tools and strategies fall under the umbrella of executive function. Research clearly supports that improvements in executive functioning improve self-efficacy. VeryWellFamily states, “A person’s executive functioning skills make it possible for them to live, work, and learn with an appropriate level of independence and competence for their age. Executive functioning allows people to access information, think about solutions, and implement those solutions.”

As an educator, school founder, and mother of five in a Neurodiverse family, I can testify to the positive impact that results from the regular U.S.E. of the F.O.R.C.E. and P.O.W.E.R. acronyms. The more your U.S.E. them, the more efficient and effective life and home, school, and work well become. “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Your productivity won’t increase overnight, but over time the resulting gains will be immeasurable.
At Theara, we focus on providing everyone with simple, time-honored, practical tools to apply immediately. I hope this quick read offers you just that; a tool for today

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