The Theara Way
At dawn, when the first ray of light hits the sky, we are reminded that every new day is full of possibility. At Theara we light the way to those possibilities. The Theara Way provides a clear step-by-step path to efficacy, equity, and empowerment for the neurodiverse collective. At Theara we are dedicated to way-making; ensuring you the promises of a new dawn.

The light of the sun indiscriminately nourishes, grows, and fortifies us. Sunlight offers us promise, hope, and wellness. At Theara we embrace the LIGHT approach:
We teach strategies that empower Neurodiverse and neuro-typical individuals to effectively engage with one another and their environment.
At Theara we are lighting the way to a brighter future.
The Dream
The Aim
- Efficacy: As Waymakers we are dedicated to providing education that increases the capacity of the neurodiverse to effectively succeed socially, academically and vocationally.
- Equity: As Waymakers we are determined to eradicate the negative stigma associated with learning disabilities and differences by inviting everyone into dynamic collaboration with the neurodiverse.
- Empowerment: As Waymakers we are devoted to equipping the neurodiverse with the knowledge, tools, and support essential to maximize individual potentiality.
The Way
The Name
The conceptualization of Theara was a very enlightening and deeply personal process for me. I chose to leave the comfort and security of a 23-year career in public education with the aim to equip all possible with an empowered way through the challenges of neurodiversity. As the mother of four, member of the neurodiverse collective, and long-time school administrator I have experienced those challenges first hand. Theara is the culmination of all I have learned along the way. Many have likened the experience of launching a business to that of having a child. The name Ara kept coming to mind when contemplating the company name. It turns out the name means: a table of offerings. To me, the name Theara (the Ara) means; the table of offerings. I left a well-established career to bring all my best to the table for you, equipping you every day in every way.