Gifted Life Hacks for Parents
10 Hacks for Home
- Maintain a structured routine to help reduce stress
- Keep kiddos hydrated and engage them in regular physical activity
- Teach your child to practice GRACE with themselves and others: Give – Respect, Admiration, Courtesy, Empathy
- Provide them a safe space in the home that they can control – If space is at a premium, get creative, a tent on the bed or a closet will do
- Teach them to take time out to breathe deeply – 4 seconds in – 4 seconds hold – 4 seconds out
- Teach your children to practice self-care as soon as possible – taking naps when possible, regular breaks from electronics, quiet time
- Teach them to serve others – Do something kind and random with your child weekly
- Let them explore Languages, Music, Art, Dance, and Theatre – Help them find their passion
- Give them time to play independently and explore their imagination
- Forceful parents find fault – Powerful parents see possibility – Choose Power
10 Hacks for School
- Plan to meet with your child’s teacher prior to school enrollment to open the door to collaboration; Your child will likely need special projects to stay busy
- Inquire about Gifted testing and Gifted education with your local public school and know what they have to offer
- Enroll your child in extra-curricular activities: sports, band, orchestra, theatre
- Encourage your child to draw and doodle (on-topic) while taking notes in class to maintain interest
- Teach your child to live soul first always valuing their well-being over their accomplishments
- Help them a safe place at school where you can take a break if needed
- Encourage your child to keep a well-being journal and have them reflect on their entries monthly – This helps them learn to evaluate and monitor their emotions
- Allow them to keep a fidget in class
- Encourage them to participate in service daily. Opening the door for students, helping someone in the hall, or asking
- Plan 10 minutes in every school day for a recap of school events and listen carefully