DYSLEXIA Hacks for Parents

10 Hacks for Home

  • Keep a bulletin board w/ pictures of chores and activities
  • Use sign language for the basics (thank you, eat, more)
  • Maintain a structured routine to ensure your child’s mind-body balance
  • Keep kiddos hydrated and engage them in regular physical activity
  • Teach them to ear read using YouTube and audiobooks
  • Read and reread favorite books daily – teach them to follow the words with their finger
  • The fewer words the better- condense important rules or instructions
  • Provide time to process difficult discussions
  • Plan for word rest and honor daily quiet hour – Dyslexia is a processing disorder too many words can be overwhelming
  • Teach your child to give themselves and others GRACE – Give:  Respect, Admiration, Courtesy, and Empathy

10 Hacks for School

  • Play to your child’s strengths – let others know where they shine
  • Plan to meet with your child’s teacher or caregiver prior to enrollment to open the door to collaboration
  • Provide your child a ruler for word tracking
  • Encourage your child to ask for help if they feel lost or confused
  • Have your child play with dyslexia-friendly apps at home and observe them.  This will help  you know where they are struggling
  • Keep a poster of the alphabet in their room and review letters and sounds daily
  • Make sure your child has access to a virtual assistant
  • Do not bombard them with to do’s right after school – allow them recovery time
  • Set aside time M-F to assist them with schoolwork or provide them a tutor
  • Whenever possible use captions with audio – to further embed the written word