DYSLEXIA Hacks for Adults
10 Hacks for Home
- Use Notes and Lists: See it, Say it, Write it, Review it
- Bulletin board with schedule and important dates in a prominent location
- Keep a virtual assistant at the ready
- Maintain a structured routine to ensure your mind-body balance
- YouTube – This is an incredible resource for instructions on home repairs, recipes, etc.
- Audiobooks for relaxation
- Ask family members to help you as needed: writing down important dates on your bulletin board, speaking slowly and deliberately when sharing important information, providing you time to process a difficult discussion
- Create and honor a daily quiet hour – Dyslexia is a processing disorder too many words can be overwhelming – plan for word rest
- Keep an audio record of important conversations and family agreements
- Give GRACE to yourself and others – Give: Respect, Admiration, Courtesy, and Empathy
10 Hacks for School and Work
- Play to your strengths – let others know where you shine
- Don’t lead with your lack- share your life hacks to help empower others
- Keep a virtual assistant at the ready
- Always double check before you hit send – place a wait time on your emails as a safety net
- Take advantage of free apps to edit for written work
- Use audiobooks and podcasts whenever possible, increase the speed, and move while you listen
- Utilize speech to text and text to speech software
- Keep an audio record of important meetings
- Be open about your neurodiversity, share and invite assistance
- Know the accommodations that work for you and employ them