Dysgraphia Hacks for Parents
10 Hacks for Home
- Maintain a structured routine to ensure your child’s mind-body balance
- Keep kiddos hydrated and engage them in regular physical activity
- Maintain handwriting practice – have your child write an invisible C from the top corner the bottom before actually writing letters.
- Begin teaching your child keyboarding as early as possible
- Whenever possible use lined paper for writing
- Whenever possible use graph paper for Math
- As early as possible get in the habit of using speech to text software
- Make sure your child has a comfortable pencil
- Regularly model appropriate pencil grip and paper position with your child
- Teach your child to give themselves and others GRACE – Give: Respect, Admiration, Courtesy, and Empathy
10 Hacks for School
- Play to your child’s strengths – let others know where they shine
- Plan to meet with your child’s teacher and the school’s Occupational Therapist prior to enrollment to open the door to collaboration
- Ask about teaching your child cursive sooner than later
- Have your child play with dysgraphia-friendly apps at home and observe them. This will help you know where they are struggling
- Keep a poster of the alphabet in their room and review letters and sounds daily
- Inquire with the school about available Assistive Technology
- Provide your child access to speech to text software for writing-intensive assignment
- Make sure your child is not graded for handwriting
- Ask teachers to allow for extra time or dictation on timed writing assignments
- Do not bombard them with to do’s right after school – allow them recovery time