Dyscalculia Hacks for Kids
10 Hacks for Home
- Keep a bulletin board w/ pictures of chores, activities, and events
- Keep a virtual assistant at the ready
- Maintain a simple routine to ensure your mind-body balance
- YouTube – This is an incredible resource for learning
- Keep a box handy filled with your child’s favorite writing utensils
- Ask family members to help you by modeling appropriate pencil grip and paper position
- Try writing in all caps or cursive
- Start writing each letter by first making the motion of letter C motion with your pen or pencil
- Get comfortable with speech to text apps
- Give GRACE to yourself and others – Give: Respect, Admiration, Courtesy, and Empathy
10 Hacks for School
- Use Assistive Technology
- Rely on your strengths
- Keep a virtual assistant at the ready
- Use a fidget and chew gum to assist with focus
- Be open about your dysgraphia, share, and invite help
- Know the accommodations that work for you and use them
- Use pictures versus words to label folders as an organization tool
- Use graphic organizers
- Don’t stop practicing handwriting, try 10 minutes of handwriting practice M-F
- Get comfortable keyboarding as soon as possible