Dyscalculia Hacks for Parents

10 Hacks for Home

  • Maintain a structured routine to ensure your child’s mind-body balance
  • Keep kiddos hydrated and engage them in regular physical activity
  • Make sure your child naps daily, even if it is just 20 minutes of quiet time in bed
  • Have your child play with dyscalculia-friendly apps at home and observe them.  This will help  you know where they are struggling
  • Invite your child to bake with you and review measurement and quantity
  • Play games daily with your child that involve basic math: Monopoly, card, games, Yahtzee
  • Keep a colorful abacus at home to play with
  • Make sure your child plays outdoors outside and encourage them to count while playing – count turns at the basketball hoop – play hopscotch – draw numbers with chalk – jump rope
  • Start the day with gratitude – Have your child identify something new they are grateful for each day
  • Practice GRACE with yourself and your child: Give: Respect, Admiration, Courtesy, and Empathy

10 Hacks for School

  • Inquire with the school as early as possible about IEPs and 504s to determine the best path for your child
  • Play to your child’s strengths – let others know where they shine
  • Plan to meet with your child’s teacher prior to school enrollment to open the door to collaboration
  • Provide your child a calculator for daily use
  • Encourage your child to ask for help if they feel lost or confused
  • Teach them to use Kahn Academy and YouTube for homework help
  • Do not bombard them with to do’s right after school – allow them recovery time
  • Set aside time M-F to assist them with schoolwork or provide them a tutor
  • Find accommodations that work for your child and use them
  • Teach them to perform a simple act of service daily at school – holding the door for a friend, helping their teacher, etc.