Autism Hacks for Kids

10 Hacks for Home

  • Maintain a simple routine and focus on what is good: It can be as simple as following the J.O.Y. acronym daily
    • Journey Forward
    • Organize for Optimism 
    • Yield to Wellness
  • Stay hydrated, eat right, and exercise regularly
  • Create a comfy space for yourself at home- spend at least 15 minutes there daily – no electronics allowed
  • Ask for help and share everything you can with the professionals you work with
  • Avoid triggers when possible and push forward with a professional 
  • Give GRACE to yourself and others
    • Give 
    • Respect
    • Admiration
    • Courtesy and 
    • Empathy
  • Set aside time every day for focused breathing – 4 seconds in – 4 seconds hold – 4 seconds out
  • Your eyes guide your thoughts: Post positive statements and your favorite colors everywhere
  • Go outside and play
  • Do something nice for someone daily

10 Hacks for School

  • Focus on strengths, not struggles – Opportunities to shine must be part of everyday
  • Know your accommodations and use them
  • Kindly remind your teachers about your IEP or 504 if needed
  • Know your triggers and avoid them at school when you can
  • Create a Go-To plan to manage ASD challenges at school and use it
  • Invite a friend to help you when you are having a hard time
  • Ask a parent to roleplay with you and help you plan for new events or encounters
  • Identify a safe place at your school – a teacher’s room -the nurse’s office – somewhere you can retreat to when things get tough
  • Advocate for yourself – Share your needs with others
  • Focus on what is good! Try to turn your trouble into training